Navigation:                What I Do                 Carrying Verbs Stimuli        Simbali Bird Story        Qaqet Story Book

Hi! My name is Lena Pointner.

After studying graphic design and linguistics in Vienna and Cologne, I worked as a research associate in language documentation until early 2022.

Since then, I have become a freelance illustrator, combining my two passions:
art and linguistics.

I make illustrations for:

• Stimulus and Elicitation Materials
• Children’s Books
• Book Covers
• Pictograms, Logos and Icons
• Language Learning Materials
• Visualization for Science Communication
• Dictionary Illustrations
• Maps
• …

Some previous projects:

Carrying Verbs Stimuli

A series of 44 illustrations for the
elicitation of different carrying verbs

made for the Out of Papua project
at the VU Amsterdam in 2022

Simbali Bird Story

A short picture book for the speakers of the Simbali language (Papua New Guinea)

made with funds from the ELDP (Endangered Languages Documentation Programme) in 2024

initial layout sketches

some finished pages

the printed books

Qaqet Song- and Storybook

A children’s book for the speakers of the Qaqet language (Papua New Guinea)

made as a part of the Qaqet child language project at the University of Cologne in 2022

Pictured below: Children from Raunsepna reading their picture book for the first time

I’d love to hear from you!